Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Multipoint wireless data acquisition system for vehicles(Car Black Box using 8051)--Images

Here is a photo of the acrylic cover that we used to cover the project 

Here is a photo of the actual circuitry on a pcb

Friday, 14 February 2014

Multipoint wireless data acquition system for vehicles(Car Black Box using 8051)--Futurescope

Future Scope

The future scope or further expansion of this project is quite the important aspect of it because it can change the entire automobile industry as well as the security systems of the vehicles all around the globe. It has a number of major advantages which can contribute to much of the future development in global market.

Majorly Improvements can be made such as

1) There will be a fuel level indicator which will help to determine the fuel levels in the vehicle.

2) Gas leakage Sensor allows to check of there is any gas leakage inside the vehicle.

3) A Front Camera can be used for Lane Tracking purpose which can help the driver of the vehicle making the driving part easy avoiding much accidents.

4) Long range IR sensors can be used in front to avoid vehicle collision so that when there is a possibility of vehicle collision alarm may be sounded and driver may be alerted

5) A Camera can be used inside the car for vigilance purpose as well as to check if there is any possibility of minor faults which can cause accidents

6) Real time visualisation of the co-ordinates sent by the GPS circuit can be done so as the exact location of vehicle can be visualised on the computer itself.

7) Speed of the Car can me sensed and recorded for the entire journey so as the actual speed at the time of impact or accident can be known.

8) Instead of old microcontrollers new technologies can be implemented

9) This project can be upgraded to use complex and fast processors who will be able to process video feeds for cameras.

10) All the devices can be connected to a central hub which can process the data from all the devices. This central hub will be capable of real time analysis of traffic analysis. This data will be sent to the particular user (vehicle) to optimize travelling route of the vehicle. It will lead to lesser and lesser traffic jams. 

11) The vehicle is constantly monitored using various sensors, this data can be used to determine the health of the vehicle. The health of the vehicle will depend upon oil level in the engine, fuel level, air pressure in the tires.

12) This data is then displayed to the user so that the user can maintain the car in good working condition.
13) Various garages and authorized service centres can be partnered to provide service to the car when breakdown occurs.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Multipoint wireless data acquition system for vehicles-- Circuit Description --3

·         Flex sensor is an unique and sensitive component of car black box which changes resistance on bending. It changes its resistance when the sensor is press due to force and this sensor will embedded in car paint. And this sensor is connected to controller through ADC.

·         In this system LM35 temperature sensor is use to record temperature of vehicle i.e. cabin temperature and engine temperature and it is also connected to controller through ADC. And its output voltage is linearly proportional to Celsius.

·         The 3 axis sensor i.e. Accelerometer which is use to sense tilting of car or vehicle. It senses the current position of that system by taking its X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis coordinates. This sensor connected to ADC which will connect the sensor to microcontroller.

·         The values which are sensed by the all parameters are displayed on LCD. And for that 16 x 2 alphanumeric LCD is use. The LCD can be mounted on dash board of car which will be more convenient for driver of the car.   

·           All these above sensors are at same priority level when this sensor goes above fix threshold microcontroller starts operating means it sends message via GSM transmitter.

·                                   Microcontroller Needs +5V DC for its operation so 230V AC is stepped down to 9V AC, then rectified using four 1N4007 diodes (connected in full wave bridge rectifier configuration). Then this DC as it is pulsating need to be smoothened, so a large value electrolytic capacitor is used for filtering. LM7805 (+5V voltage regulator) is used to provide constant +5V DC even if we have voltage fluctuation in 230V AC

·         This system should be mounted in one  box which should be tough and compact as possible as for the protection of all above sensors and it should be easily fixed in car.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Multipoint wireless data acquition system for vehicles-- Circuit Description --2

·         These all above components are monitor and controlled by microcontroller.

·         The controller use in this system is of 40 pins and it has 4k bytes of ISP i.e. (In System Programmable) flash memory and its operating range is 4.0v-5.5v and consist of 128 x 8 internal memory.

·         The components which are installed in box are not directly connected to controller because the output of components is analog in nature and controller accept only digital so for that purpose ADC is use which converts analog input into digital output.

·         Temperature sensor’s output, flex sensor’s output and accelerometer’s output is given to ADC as inputs.

·         Digital equivalents of these inputs from ADC’s output are given to microcontroller as inputs.

·         GSM stands for Global System for Mobile. It is a module which is use to send messages regarding to car temperature or any damage to car or it has met to accident. And it is connected to TX pin of controller.

·         In this system GPS is use for locating and tracking the location of vehicle. It also calculate the geographical position of module. And GPS is connected to RX pin of controller

Multipoint wireless data acquition system for vehicles-- Circuit Description --1

 Circuit Description


·         Actually the concept of car black box is that the data is sent via GSM to the car owner or relative in form of SMS when an accident is happen. So to monitor this process various components are required and so they are installed in black box .The components installed in box are as follows:

1. Microcontroller ( 89C51)

2. Temperature sensor (LM35)

3. Flex sensor

4. Accelerometer

5. LCD (16x2 alphanumeric display)

6. ADC (0808)