Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Multipoint wireless data acquition system for vehicles--Explanation continued....

6. GSM in This Project:


In this project GSM module is used to send the messages containing the accident information along with the latitude and longitude position of module at the time of accident. For that we use an ordinary GSM mobile hand set. The GSM can be controlled by certain commands called AT commands. Through our software we control the GSM modem to generate and transmit the text messages on to another GSM modem in the program.

Example for the AT command are,
AT: -Sends to the module for detecting the proper working of the module.
AT+CMGF=1:-Command for shifting module in to text mode.
AT+CMGS=”+91.............”-Command for connecting to another module.
After sending the AT the module will return an OK message to show the proper functioning of the module. Then the commandAT+CMGF=1 shifts the module to the text mode. The module now returns”>”. Then AT+CMGS=”+91********** If “>” is received from the GSM module, type the SMS data and give Ctrl+Z. This will send the SMS.

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