Thursday, 5 December 2013

Multipoint wireless data acquition system for vehicles(Car Black Box using 8051)--Introduction


In the present day everyone are running behind speed all want to come first. In such sceneries accident are increasing. Daily many new vehicles are being added on the road. This also increases the amount of accident. There won’t be a day on which there is no death due to road accident? Many rules are being enforced to reduce accidents but none of them have been able to stop them, but they are only able to decrease them to an extent. The highway safety association in Europe, America and China has been planning to implement some devices into vehicles which would safeguard the interest of the passengers. Several automobile manufacturers like General Motors, Toyota, Volks Wagen, Tata Motors have initiated many research and developmental activities in this regard. The vehicles are fitted with airbags, anti-lock breaking system and many such things. But in order to do any research or development there is a need for the knowledge of the real cause of the accident. The accident may occur due to the mistake of others or the problems in the working of the vehicle such as break failure, driver’s negligence or any other problem. So any such system will gather/record information for research related operations.

We already have Black Boxes fitted on aircrafts, but such system are very costly and can only be afforded for airplanes but it will be even costlier than even the costliest super cars itself. So there is no way that so expensive device can be used on a regular car. So we are designing a low cost system that will record the engine parameters like engine temperature, fuel tank level, ADXL335 accelerometer to monitor the tilt or whether the vehicle has met any accident. It will send these data to the owner of the vehicle or relatives of the driver via GSM in the form of SMS. In case of accident system will send message to pre stored number and help can immediately be provided without delay.

So we made an initiative to design a data logger as an emergency alert system. This initiative was made because of delayed medical help and relief. We also kept in mind as to decrease the cost so as to make it affordable o vehicle of all ranges. Our system can be also further expanded by adding up many more sensors such as vibration sensors, gas sensors.

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